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Dispelling Myths About Medical Assistants

Medical assistant posing with mask on Many people are passionate about helping others and pursue this enthusiasm by entering the healthcare industry. A rewarding career many choose to pursue is the role of a medical assistant. These individuals are tasked with providing a variety of services to provide patients with the best possible care.

While this profession plays a key role in healthcare, there are often misconceptions about what being a medical assistant entails. These myths may lead to some people having second thoughts about whether a career as a medical assistant is right for them. Prism Career Institute offers medical assistant training at campuses in Cherry Hill and West Atlantic City in New Jersey and Philadelphia, PA. Here, we debunk these myths and provide a true picture of this position.

Myth: The Demand for Medical Assistants Is Waning

Some believe that medical assistant jobs are becoming fewer and fewer, but the opposite is true. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of medical assistants is projected to grow 16% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. Furthermore, about 123,000 openings for medical assistants are projected each year, on average, over the next decade.

A significant reason for these openings is the increasing age of the baby boomer population. As these people age, physicians will need to have more qualified medical assistants on their staff to assist them in providing care.

Myth: Medical Assistants are the Same as Nurses

While they may share similar responsibilities, the roles of medical assistant and nurse are quite different from one another. Nurses are tasked primarily with handling bedside assistance, such as feeding and bathing, while medical assistants perform a combination of clinical care and administrative tasks. As a medical assistant, you may find yourself helping prepare patients for procedures, drawing blood from a patient, and assisting with minor surgeries. Your duties may also require you to help schedule appointments, fill out patients’ charts, and other important administrative tasks.

Myth: The Role of a Medical Assistant is Not Challenging

One of the more egregious misconceptions about being a medical assistant is that the role isn’t challenging. Medical assistants face challenges every day as they deliver the best care they can for their patients. Often, medical assistants are challenged with performing multiple duties at once. They may need to work long hours in intense medical settings. Meeting these challenges makes this role extremely rewarding for some.

Myth: The Role of Medical Assistant Is Only a Stepping Stone

While some healthcare professionals choose to use the role of a medical assistant as a means to another career, many opt to remain in their role given the incredible benefits it offers. Among the various benefits, the most significant advantage is getting the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of patients every day.

Myth: Becoming a Medical Assistant Takes a Long Time

Another reason some may be turned off from medical assistant jobs is they believe it takes a rather large time commitment. In many cases, healthcare careers can require several years of education and training. When compared to those professionals, the road to becoming a medical assistant is a relatively short one. Many medical assistant programs can be completed in less than one year, allowing students to get a jumpstart on their careers.

Prism Career Institute offers students one of the shortest medical assistant training programs in the area. In as little as ten months, students can complete the course and be on their way to pursuing their passion for helping others. With a career-focused curriculum led by dedicated instructors, students will be trained on a variety of topics, such as:

  • Medical law and ethics
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Electrocardiography (EKG)
  • Pharmacology
  • Phlebotomy
  • Patient history/vital signs/CPR
  • Clinical procedures
  • Basic Administrative tasks

Start on the Path to a Medical Assistant Career Today

People interested in beginning their journey toward a rewarding career as a medical assistant should consider enrolling in the medical assistant program offered at our Philadelphia, PA, and Cherry Hill and West Atlantic City, NJ, campus locations. To learn more about our program and how you can enroll today, contact us at Prism Career Institute.