Choosing the right medical assistant program is a crucial first step in pursuing a career in the field. The program should have all the features you want, whether that’s small class sizes, hands-on training, experienced instructors, or other factors. While students need to focus on the things they want within the program, it’s equally important to think ahead and ask about career placement services. Prism Career Institute offers outstanding medical assistant training at our locations in Philadelphia, PA, and Cherry Hill and West Atlantic City, NJ. Here, we provide insight into what you should consider when choosing a medical assistant program.
Planning With Career Services
When choosing a medical assistant program, prospective students should ask about job placement and the school’s career center. Students can get a thorough understanding of the quality of the program when they visit the school’s career services department. The career placement center should be well equipped with resources and have everything students will need to begin their career journey after graduation.
Prospective students also can meet with the manager or director in charge of placement to get a better understanding of the lengths taken to help students begin their careers. Ask if the career services department assists with formatting resumes and cover letters or guides students with interview preparations. This type of support is imperative for students and can aid in their quest to obtain jobs after completing the program.
Ask About Externships
Externships are vital elements of a medical assistant program. While hands-on training can be beneficial for students as they learn the necessary skills for the position, externships allow students to work in a professional medical facility. They enable them to gain knowledge as they work alongside medical professionals. These professionals will give you practical advice and will be wonderful references when you begin searching for a job.
What Is the Placement Rate for Medical Assistant Programs?
Placement rate is the metric used to determine the percentage of enrolled students who get placed in jobs after graduating from a medical assistant program. It’s an accurate indication of how well a school’s career services department is operating. When talking with the career placement center, prospective students should ask what the placement rate is for their program and the kinds of jobs they help students find. If you are interested in pursuing a career as a medical assistant, make sure to specifically ask how many graduates are getting jobs for that role.
We Have Your Future in Mind at Prism Career Institute
At Prism Career Institute, the goal of our career training institution and programs is not to simply teach students the necessary skills, but to prepare them to find success well after they graduate. We accomplish this with a well-thought-out, career-oriented curriculum coupled with support that goes beyond the classroom.
The career services department at Prism Career Institute is made up of dedicated individuals committed to helping each student succeed inside and outside the classroom. The career services team at Prism Career Institute aids students in a variety of ways, including:
- Help with resume and cover letter writing
- Matching students with suitable employment opportunities based on their wants and needs
- Assisting with interview technique training
- Helping develop professional skills
- Creating networking opportunities, allowing students to make meaningful professional contacts
- Conducting job fairs and interview opportunities through our network of established contacts, which include employers and employment agencies
As a part of our medical assistant program, all students are required to complete an externship. We make this a requirement to ensure our students are fully prepared to pursue their careers once they leave our campus. Our career services department works hard to help students acquire externships at the clinic or healthcare facility of their choice. We also encourage students to seek out volunteering opportunities, internships, and other temporary job assignments while completing their education and offer our assistance where we can with these roles.
To learn more about the services of our career placement department, and the ways we help students pursue open positions after completing the medical assistant programs at our Cherry Hill, NJ, and West Atlantic City, NJ campuses, as well as our Philadelphia, PA, campus, please contact us today at Prism Career Institute.