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Prism Career Institute Graduate Finds Opportunities In Medical Billing & Coding Career

Rosalyn Garcia, Medical Billing & Coding Graduate
Prism Career Institute Medical Billing & Coding graduate, Rosalyn Garcia, working at Affiliates In Psychotherapy in Northfield, NJ. Rosalyn is also a Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) through the National Healthcare Association.

Each time a patient with insurance sees a doctor, a healthcare professional adept at medical billing & coding files a claim with an insurance company. That medical billing & coding specialist needs to be detailed oriented so that they can spot errors and carefully check their work. With vast amounts of health information passing through medical offices daily, medical billers & coders keep things organized so that doctors can be kept up-to-date on the patients they help.

To enter this field, training is necessary and it especially worked out for Rosalyn Garcia who graduated from the Medical Billing & Coding program at Prism Career Institute in West Atlantic City, NJ. Prism’s program features a valuable Externship program where students receive on-the-job-type experience at local medical facilities. Rosalyn works at Affiliates In Psychotherapy in Northfield, NJ. And how did she get hired? “I was fortunate to be hired through my Externship program that Prism placed me in at Affiliates,” she said. “I perform all front office procedures, checking in patients, pulling and filing medical records, performing medical billing for office visits and verification of insurance coverage. I also serve as a translator.”

Patty Ford is the Office Manager at Affiliates In Psychotherapy and heads up the medical billing department. “I enjoy having Rosalyn on site and it’s a pleasure working with Prism students, assisting them in developing their medical billing skills, and eventually even offering employment when there are openings,” she said.

Rosalyn’s job responsibilities may sound like a big handful but she credits Prism’s training for making her well prepared. “I have a B.A. in American Studies but I could only find work as a substitute teacher. I also worked in a department store but

Prism Career Institute Medical Billing & Coding graduate, Rosalyn Garcia, working at Affiliates In Psychotherapy in Northfield, NJ. Rosalyn is also a Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) through the National Healthcare Association.

realized I needed a new career. I kept hearing about how much the medical industry was growing and enrolled at Prism. My education at Prism was quite the experience. The teachers were helpful and patient. They taught me that I should never use the word can’t when it comes to success. I also became a Certified Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) from the National Healthcare Association with Prism’s guidance.”

Juggling family and school isn’t always easy and Rosalyn says her family “team” support helped tremendously to help her complete the program. “Everything worth having in life includes sacrifice. I would recommend anyone interested in the medical field to enroll at Prism. They will get all the help they need to succeed.”

In addition to West Atlantic City, Prism has campuses in Cherry Hill, NJ, & NE Philadelphia.