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Vivian Bettis Outlines Career Services Offered at Prism Career Institute

Career services department staffer conducting a mock job interview with a student

At Prism Career Institute, our goal has always been to prepare students and help guide them along their journey to a rewarding career of their choice. We accomplish this by providing career-oriented programs and education led by outstanding instructors.

Another way is through our Career Services Department. “We are committed to helping students be successful in their journey toward their respective occupation as they go forward,” says Vivian Bettis, a Career Services Representative at Prism’s West Atlantic City campus. Here, we discuss the ways Prism Career Institute, with campuses in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, can help students obtain a career that makes them proud.

Services Designed For Career Advancement

Not every student has the same areas of interest or the same career goals. The Career Services Department at Prism Career Institute works with students individually, mapping out a career plan that aligns with their interests and what they want to accomplish in their careers. Some of the career prep services Prism Career Institute provides include:

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

We help students make a good first impression with a prospective employer by ensuring their resumes and cover letters are professional-looking and formatted correctly. We also make certain a student’s achievements and skills are accurately displayed, highlighting why they would be a good candidate for an open position.

Interview Prep

Interviews are often used by employers to gauge how well a prospective candidate will mesh with their company culture. Being prepared for an interview can be the difference between a candidate who makes a good impression and one an employer ultimately passes over. Prism Career Institute helps prepare students for future interviews, making them more comfortable with the process and teaching them what they can expect.

Job Fairs

Prism Career Institute is proud to host job fairs to help students connect with potential employers. Here, students can network and make valuable connections that can lead to employment after graduation.

Another aspect of career services is identifying suitable career opportunities for students. Bettis says, “I try to do an array of things just to keep students motivated and connected. I do a lot of networking on their behalf if they ask me to research a company. I work with other nurses as well, trying to get feedback from them as to what the best companies to work for are and best hiring practices so I can pass that information along, too.”

Who Can Take Advantage of Career Services?

The career services team at Prism Career Institute is committed to the success of every student, including alumni. “Past students are always welcome to either email me or call me and reach out and I am always happy to share job leads with them,” Bettis said.

Students who are currently enrolled can utilize career services right away. “I try to start speaking with them during term two after they have gotten through their first term. I go in and introduce myself to let them know that I am here to help with any type of assistance related to job services that I can provide,” Bettis explains.

Information for Prospective Students

Prospective students who are looking for an avenue and assistance in achieving their career goals can find it at Prism Career Institute. ”We are dedicated to students’ success, whether it be the past, current, or future,” says Bettis. “This is a very nurturing environment for a prospective student that has an interest in our programs because of the dedicated staff and instructors. There are a lot of great resources for students if they decide they want to go to Prism Career Institute.”

The Career Services Department takes pride in seeing students succeed. It is often the best part of the job for people like Bettis. “I like seeing the transformation of the student where they start the beginning of the journey, maybe unsure at the time, and overcoming hurdles and struggles. Then seeing them really embark on their careers and just reflecting at that moment that they have done it,” she said. 

Learn About Career Services at Prism Career Institute

Prospective students, currently enrolled students, or alumni who are interested in learning more about the career services offered at Prism Career Institute’s campuses in West Atlantic City and Cherry Hill, NJ, or Philadelphia, PA,  can contact us today to receive more information.