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Dispelling Myths about PNs

The healthcare field attracts countless new faces each year. Many are driven not only by the ever-present need for care providers but also by their passion for helping others. That’s exactly why so many people choose to pursue their Practical Nurse (PNs) certifications. Even though it’s a popular career path, several PN myths exist that can cloud your vision and cast doubt on your future.

In New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Prism Career Institute helps our practical nursing students to see the truth about life as a PN. To help you sort fact from fiction, we’ve dispelled the biggest myths so you can pursue your PN career with confidence.

Myth: PN Jobs Are Vanishing

For years, people have claimed that PN positions would phase out and be replaced. However, the United States is currently facing a nursing shortage, meaning that PNs are in high demand throughout the country. While many hospitals have decreased their employment rates of PNs, other settings, such as clinics, doctors offices, nursing homes, and more, are hiring at the same rates. Plus, as many nurses reach retirement age, the healthcare field will need even more qualified professionals to take their places.

Myth: PNs Can Only Work in Nursing Homes

Although many nursing homes choose to hire PNs, they are not the only places PNs can work. As we mentioned, PNs are qualified to work in hospitals of all sizes, as well as independent clinics. Many PNs find jobs in schools and government agencies, too. If you’re considering an PN career, but are worried about limiting your scope, a PN certification will allow you to cast a pleasantly wide net.

Myth: PNs Are Not as Important as RNs

Sometimes, people view the PN certification as a stepping stone on the way to becoming an RN. However, earning your PN is no walk in the park. To graduate, students need to pass nursing school, sit for the NCLEX-PN exam, and more. While this shouldn’t discourage hopeful PNs from getting started, it should also provide a clearer picture of just how qualified PNs are when it comes to caring for patients. In fact, care teams wouldn’t be able to function properly without them.

Myth: A PN Isn’t a Real Nurse

Similar to the last myth, many are inclined to view PNs as lesser types of nurses or even as “fake” nurses. However, both PNs and RNs provide real, skilled care for patients every day. Although RNs can provide certain services without supervision, such as IV drug administration, PNs are charged with a considerable task load, including:

  • Assisting patients with personal care
  • Helping patients and providers with tests or procedures
  • Monitoring patients’ basic health statuses
  • Taking patient histories

Myth: It Can Take Four Years to Become a PN

While some PN programs require students to devote several years to their training, vocational schools like Prism Career Institute make it possible to become a PN in as little as 15 months, which will further your career towards become a PN. Plus, with day and evening course tracks to choose from, we make it that much more convenient for aspiring PNs to complete their education and start working in their dream field.

Enroll at Prism Career Institute Today

Now that we’ve separated some PN myths from fact, budding PNs can begin pursuing their dreams. To see if Prism Career Institute is right for you, take our Prism Healthcare Career Readiness Quiz to start planning your future. For more information, contact an Admissions Representative today.