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My Journey to Success…

Shakerah Thomas, Medical Assisting Graduate
Shakerah Thomas, Medical Assisting Graduate
Graduate’s Name: Shakerah Thomas
Program Attended: Medical Assisting
Employed By: Holy Redeemer Hospital – Philadelphia, PA

This is her story: Before enrolling at Prism Career Institute Shakerah worked as a Home Health Aide. “I always aspired to become a Registered Nurse, I decided to begin my journey with the start of becoming a Medical Assistant. I chose Prism Career Institute because after interviewing with other schools, I found the staff to be the friendliest. The level of curriculum was the highest as well.”

Shakerah began training for Medical Assisting on 11/29/2010 and graduated on 1/6/2012. Shakerah performed her Externship with Castor Primary Care Physicians and had a great experience. “My experience with Prism Career Institute was both emotionally and academically supportive.”

Upon completion of her program, Shakerah was offered a full-time position with Holy Redeemer hospital as a Medical Assistant. She is able to utilize all of her clinical and administrative skills in her position and couldn’t be happier. “My days are very hectic, but the most rewarding aspect of working as a Medical Assistant is knowing that I am making a difference in the lives of the patients that I interact with.”

Shakerah is now currently enrolled in Delaware County Community College to continue the road to her ultimate dream of becoming a nurse. “I would recommend Prism Career Institute to anyone who is ready to begin a new journey in their life. Everyone at Prism showed support my whole way through and I will always be grateful.”