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A People Person: 4 Ideal Medical Assistant Personality Traits

Have you ever asked yourself, “Should I be a medical assistant?” If you consider yourself a people person and love helping others, you might just be the right fit for this rewarding career. Still not sure? Prism Career Institute lists four must-have personality traits of medical assistants below. 1. Good Communicator In the medical assisting

Basic Expectations as a New Medical Assistant

Starting any new job can be a daunting prospect, but there are basic expectations that can help you better prepare for your new position. Prism Career Institute’s Medical Assistant program will give you the necessary training and tools so you’ll be fully prepared for medical assistant work, but you may have questions about what will

4 Common Interactions With Patients a Medical Assistant Can Expect

As a medical assistant, you’ll typically be expected to interact with patients on a daily basis. While the level and type of interaction can vary from workplace to workplace, there are some common interactions that most medical assistants should be prepared for. Below, Prism Career Institute outlines some of the most common ways you may

What You Need to Know to Prepare for the Medical Assistant Program

Have you been accepted into the Medical Assistant Program at Prism Career Institute? First of all, some congratulations are in order. We’re happy to be a part of your journey toward becoming a medical professional. As you get ready for your first day of class, you probably have a few questions about program requirements, what

General Rules and Protocols of Working in a Lab

Medical lab education helps prepare students for future careers in the medical field. This simulated laboratory practice, which is often incorporated into medical diploma programs, helps students develop and refine their technical skills that they’ll someday use on the job. At Prism Career Institute, our campuses include dedicated training labs where students in our Medical

CPR, First Aid and Other Side Skills Medical Assistants Need to Have

Between 2016 and 2026, the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the growth rate for medical assistant careers to reach an astonishing 29%. Still, even as the number of jobs is forecasted to increase, you’ll still need to compete for entry-level positions. If you’re looking to stand out amongst a pool of qualified candidates, it’s vital

4 Essential Medical Assistant Skills

Medical assistants often have a unique set of skills, helping them perform their job successfully each and every day. At Prism Career Institute, we’ll help you hone your skills while providing you with the theoretical knowledge you’ll use day after day in your future job. To pursue a career in medical assisting, you’ll need these

Why Good Patient Communication Skills Are a Must

Whether you’re looking to become a medical assistant, communicating with patients is one of the most important aspects of the job. At Prism Career Institute, we consider good communication a pillar of patient-centered care, and as a result, it’s a skill we encourage our students to continuously work on. Here are three of the top

How to Prepare for Your Medical Assistant Externship

If you’ve enrolled in the Medical Assistant program at Prism Career Institute, you’ll be required to complete a medical assistant externship prior to receiving your diploma. The externship is your chance to put your knowledge to the test and get your feet wet outside of a classroom setting. Whether you extern at a doctor’s office,

The Role of Medical Assistants in Medical Groups

After graduating from the Medical Assistant program at Prism Career Institute, you’ll soon realize that there are many different career tracks you can head down – one of which is a medical group. By definition, medical groups are partnerships, associations or other groups made up of physicians that provide health services, whether specialty or multi-specialty.