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Prism Career Institute Medical Students on A Path To Success

Help from Family & Positive Attitudes are Part of the Plan

Preston Bell
Preston Bell

When Preston Bell decided to become a Medical Assistant student at Prism Career Institute Cherry Hill, his inspiration came from someone very close to his heart – his Mother.

Preston’s mom is a Registered Nurse (RN) at Cooper University Hospital and is the driving force behind him. She has set the standard for success and has been a role model, often helping with homework and with emotional support.

Preston admits he “paid the price” by not taking high school seriously. “Now I don’t procrastinate,” he said. “Coming to Prism has been a second chance and a new start for me.” And he is making the best of it with a perfect 100% attendance record. “Prism has been great; the school has given me everything I’ve asked for. I would recommend anyone to come here.”

Sharon Goldman
Sharon Goldman

Like Preston, Sharon Goldman was inspired to enroll in the Medical Assistant program because of family. In Sharon’s case it was her four children ages 8, 5, 2 and 1. Sharon certainly has her hands full but has a positive attitude, always looking at the glass being half full, that sets her apart from others.

Prism’s Medical Assistant program can be completed in 9 months. Students receive valuable preparation help for Certification through the National Healthcare Association (NHA). Career Services department works closely with all students in providing externships and job placement assistance.

Sharon and Preston plan to use their Medical Assistant training as a stepping stone to become RN’s one day. “I love it at Prism,” said Sharon. “I don’t want to leave. I am very happy with Prism. They work with you and assist you with getting your medical certifications. As long as you keep up with your grades and attendance you will be fulfilled.”

Prism Career Institute Cherry Hill is located at 3 Executive Campus, just off Rt. 70 across from the Crown Plaza Hotel. There’s access from public transportation and plenty of free parking. For more information about Medical Assistant or Practical Nursing programs call 1-888-966-8146.

By: Rene Wilson and Tara Dallara – Career Services Department, Prism Career Institute Cherry Hill Campus